Friday, January 16, 2015

Types of Accounts

There are three types of accounts used by partners:

1. Source Account - this is the main account for the partner. All partner accounts can be managed by logging onto the source account with an account administrator logon. Source accounts can be designated as demo accounts and used only for delivering tests for demonstration purposes.

2. Partner-Managed Account - This is a customer account that is created and managed by the partner. Only the partner can add credits or change the demo status of a partner-managed account. The partner "sells" credits to the customer and HR Avatar bills the partner for its share of the revenue on a periodic basis.

Partner managed accounts can be designated as demo accounts and used only for delivering tests for demonstration purposes. Credits must still be added to demo accounts, but the credits are not 'charged' to the partner.  At some point in time the account can be designated as a non-demo account when the customer begins to pay for credits. A partner can designate an account as a demo account only once, for any duration. When it is converted back to a non-demo account, it cannot be re-converted to a demo account without help from the HR Avatar staff.

Note also that partner-managed accounts can also be designated as 'unlimited' accounts. These types of accounts ignore credits altogether. However, you cannot designate an account as both 'Demo' and Unlimited.  The difference is that 'Demo' accounts must still add credits, even though the partner is not charged for credits. Unlimited accounts are totally unlimited and do not require credits.

For accounting purposes, you should use demo accounts when giving out free tests to prospective customers. Unlimited accounts are monitored very closely and should not be used for demo purposes.

3. Customer-Managed Account - This is an account created by a customer within the designated region of the partner in which all accounts are automatically associated with the partner. The Customer purchases credits directly via the website and HR Avatar reimburses the partner for the partner's share of the revenue from each purchase.

How Accounts Are Created:

HR Avatar staff will create the Source Account for a partner. The Partner then can log onto the Source Account. All account administrators in the Source Account will have an option in their pull-down menu entitled "Partner Admin." Clicking on this option will bring up the Partner Administration Menu. From this menu, you can create additional Partner-Managed accounts by clicking on "Create an New Account."

Customer-Managed Accounts are usually created by the customer themselves, simply by registering on for their own account. Typically, the system recognizes their country by IP address and makes them  customer-managed account automatically. However, if you would like to create a new customer-managed account, you can do this by clicking on "Create an New Account" from the Partner Administration menu and selecting Customer-Managed from the Account Type entry.

Most accounts will be Partner-Managed.

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