Monday, January 19, 2015

Partner Administration Basics

Our intent is for partners to be able to manage all aspects of their distribution partnership with HR Avatar from the Partner Administration Menu.

Always Feel Free to Contact Us

Shoa Appelman:  (o) (703) 938-1615  (m) 703-966-2080,
Mike Russiello:  (o) (703) 938-1615  (m)571-213-5677,

 Or use our online form:

Accessing the Partner Administration Menu

HR Avatar staff will create the Source Account for each partner. The Partner then can log onto the Source Account. All users designated as Account Administrators" in the Source Account will have an option in their pull-down menu entitled "Partner Admin." Clicking on this option will bring up the Partner Administration Menu.

The Menu provides access to all of the functions below:

Creating New Accounts

From the menu, click on "Create New Account."  This will bring up a form for all necessary information needed to create the account. Note that the Administrative User should be a member of the Partner Organization.

Accounts created using this form do not require activation in the way accounts that created off the HR Avatar website directly do.

The Account Administrative User

When you create a new account, you must specify an administrative user for this account.
The Administrative User should be a member of the Partner Organization. Once this user is created, you can log in as this user and create additional users within the newly-created account, such as for your customers to log on and view results. All users you create will have the same rights as normal users (you can choose their rights when you create them), except they cannot purchase credits for their account for Partner-Managed accounts. Instead, they must contact you, the partner, to obtain credits in their account.

Logging Onto A Partner-Managed or Customer-Managed Account

Once you've created an account, you can log onto that account from the Partner Administration Menu by selecting Partner-Managed Accounts or Customer-Managed Accounts, then clicking the login link for the relevant account.This will log you out of the source account and log you into the specific partner-managed or customer-managed account. From here you can perform all functions that any account administrator can perform - such as adding new users, creating sub-organizations, or setting defaults for test result distribution.

Additional Account Users

Once you've created an account, log onto that account from the Partner Administration Menu using the instructions above. Then go to Account-Settings -> Users in the pull-down menu. From here you can create user logins for your customers (if you want them to have logins). Note that you can define the rights of any user as a Read Only (can view test results only), Basic User (can authorize test events and review results), or Account Administrator (can perform all functions except purchase credits).

Opening the Account Info Page

For the Source Account click on View Source Account from the Partner Administration Menu.

For Partner-Managed or Customer-Managed accounts, you can select the appropriate "View Accounts" link from the Partner Administration Menu and click on the name of the account you want to view. When the Account Info Page opens, all relevant information for that account should be presented.

For all account types, you can make various configuration changes from this screen. 

For partner-managed accounts, you can also designate or undesignate accounts as "Demo" accounts. You can also add credits to the account from this screen for source and partner-managed accounts.

Adding Credits to an Account

For either the source account or any partner-managed account, you can add credits as follows:

Step 1: Open the account info page for the account you want to add credits to.

Step 2: Using the form at the bottom of the page, enter the number of credits and the credit expiration date.  Note that this date cannot be longer than one year in the future. 

Designating an Account as a Demo Account

Partner-managed and source accounts can be designated as demo accounts. This means that all credits added to the account are denoted as demo credits and are not charged to the partner. This should only be used for demonstration tests that in which the customer is not asked to pay for the tests.

To designate an account as a demo account, click the checkbox entitled: Demo Account. From that point until the box is unchecked, credits placed in this account will be demo credits.

Converting an account from Demo to Paid

When the account is ready to leave demo status, you can uncheck the Demo Account checkbox and save. This will cause the system to make all demo credits expire within 24 hours.

Note that once an account has been in and out of demo status once, it cannot be redesignated as a demo account without contacting HR Avatar.

Reporting Test Activity for Each Account

The account info page has data regarding the activity level of each account. However, for aggregate information across all your accounts, you can use the Affiliate Activity Report from the Partner Administration Menu. Simply enter the date range and create the report.  Unless there are special circumstances, this is the same report that will be used to calculate the invoice (or check) that is sent you at the end of each accounting period.

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