Thursday, February 5, 2015

Creating Custom Competencies within our tests

We have the ability to create customized test modules that can be bundled with the standard assessments as custom modules you can embed into the standard assessment. 

It's not trivial, but it's doable, particularly for a large client!

If bundled, the new competencies can be calculated as part of the overall score and totally integrated into the test. However, to do this, we need the items, item scores, and a set of additional information:
  1. Competency Description
  2. Score Text - this is text that appears in the report and online system.
  3. Interview Question - for the report
  4. Score Parameters
  5. Score Cutoffs
Below is a full example for the competency: Exhibits a Positive Work Attitude.

For some people, work is a second-place activity. That is, given a decision to take either personal time or go to work, low scorers will choose time off. Low job priority could indicate a 9 to 5 mentality. Sample item: It is OK to take long lunches and breaks if you are underpaid.

Score Text: 

Green Level: 
Expects to receive both financial and personal rewards in exchange for applying his or her best energies to the job. Enjoys working. Trusts the organization to help career.

Yellow-Green Level:
Usually expects to receive both financial and personal rewards in exchange for solid and consistent effort on the job. Enjoys most work activities and is willing to put in extra effort when warranted or requested.

Yellow Level:
Dedicates a medium level of effort to his or her work but is willing to allocate extra effort when asked and rewarded for doing so. Typically neutral regarding job satisfaction and/or enjoyment. Usually trusts management, but can become skeptical when prompted by unexpected circumstances.

Red-Yellow Level:
Sees work as a secondary activity. Most of the time does not enjoy working and often applies average effort at best. Tends to be skeptical regarding management decisions and company policies.

Red Level:
Sees work as a secondary activity to be mostly endured. Dedicates just enough energy to get by. May distrust the organization to assist with his or her career.

Interview Question:

How do you feel having a regular job and going to work? Is it something you enjoy? Why or why not?

High Anchor:
Views work as a means of income only. Does not enjoy. Does not care about professional reputation.

Medium Anchor:
Likes work but doesn't truly enjoy it. Balances priority and energy with other obligations. 

Low Anchor:
Considers work a key priority in life. Enjoys working and always applies best energy. Takes pride in work reputation.

Scoring Parameters and scoring method:

First, sum the individual item scores for all items in this scale.
Next, use this loookup table to convert the total for each scale to a 0-100 scale:

Total,0-100 Score

Note: A lookup table is not required. We can also use total percent correct, for instance. Please contact us on how you want to score the competency. This is just an example.

Score Cutoffs:

Green: 80 - 100
Yellow-Green: 60-80
Yellow: 40 - 60
Red-Yellow: 20 - 40
Red: 0 - 20

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